Report Grievances

report grievances


Welcome to our Grievance Redressal Policy page. We take feedback and complaints seriously and have established this policy to provide a fair and efficient process for raising and resolving any concerns or complaints. Whether you are a customer or other stakeholder, we want to hear from you and will make every effort to address and resolve any issues in a timely and appropriate manner. Please explore this page to learn more about how you can raise a grievance and the timelines for resolution.

Our Grievance Redressal Policy aims to:

  • Provide a fair and transparent process for raising and resolving complaints or concerns.
  • Ensure that all grievances are handled in a timely and appropriate manner.
  • Provide a clear and accessible means of communicating complaints or concerns to the organization.
  • Maintain a culture of open communication and continuous improvement within the organization.
  • Ensure that all customers or other stakeholders are treated with respect and dignity throughout the grievance process.

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Igloo Team will respond to you within 5 working days and aim for a resolution within 14 working days.

Report Grievances

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